Monday, October 2, 2017

The Lord Is My Light! 06/21/2017


Aloha! Another great week in Paradise. The Lord truly has been a light to me this week. He shines and guides in the hardest times and especially in the times He needs me to do things I think I cannot do, I can do all things with HIM. Thank goodness for Him. 

Just wanted to give a shout out to the Papa Bear for this past Fathers Day! We had a Fathers Day Musical Fireside we Missionaries put on for the dads and For our Heavenly Father, for the Ward this Sunday. It was really sweet and Consisted of Musical numbers we prepared, Mormon messages, and Testimonies from us Missionaries and Members too. LOVE YOU DAD. You are my Favorite father EVER. Oku ou ofa lahi pe kiate koe! Thank you for working, supporting, and loving me and my brothers. Treat yourself! 

Sister Long and I are doing great. Aunu'u is still stunning and the people are starting to run away from us. LOL Not ALL but some. :) Only in Samoa. So, there are only three Religions on the Island right now: LDS, Seven Day Adventists, and Catholic. So, whenever Aunu'u gets missionaries there is a time where the people will just try not to see us. They are still very respectful, because of the culture, but that does make the work a little more exciting! 

We had some incredible baptisms this past week. Five souls entered into the waters of Baptism and the joy and peace felt there was just incredible. The branch here in Aunu'u has officially reaching over the amount needed to become a ward!!!! 153 as of Today! We are super happy for this Branch. They have been a branch the longest here in Tutuila, so they are all excited to become a Ward. 

Just got back from a Jungle Hike! Haha I'll attach pictures! Stunning. LOVE YOU ALLS.

I'm good. Also turn 20 tomorrow! Crazy. Thanks momma Good work for getting me here! Grateful. I love this Gospel. Christ Lives. 


Sister Finau
P.s. We did some indexing and I founds Mika's name! LOL COOL

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