Thursday, October 5, 2017

General Conference & One Whole Year as Sister Finau! 10/03/2017

Talofa Lava Everyone! 

General Conference was amazing. Such a blessing to be able to receive council and guidance from the leaders of the church. Seriously had  mini excitement rushes throughout hearing the beautiful words spoken. Many answers and I hope you all too receive answers to your prayers. I felt super humble because President Hannemann us and all the office Elders to watch the Live session here in the Mission conference room. Since the rest of the mission gets to wait till it comes in Samoan next Sunday. Such a blessing. I really made sure to take all the heeding and advice from what I was able to watch. This next Sunday though we get to watch General Conference in Samoan! That'll be good. 😊

The Book of Mormon is a new Program our Mission has started up there past few few weeks. We have a tent at the Market here in Apia and we set up appointments right then and there for everyone who comes to get a  Book of Mormon that night by calling the Elders or Sisters in their area and having the person talk to them and let them know where they live in that Village. It is Incredible the Miracles we have seen. 18 Baptismal dates have been set since starting. So cool. 

The Book of Mormon is true. I know that this Church truly is The Church of Jesus Christ and that we have had restored for us in these days the right and full way to return to our Heavenly home! I am so Grateful for a Living Prophet. Christ lives! Let us choose and try our very best to always follow Him. 

Have a sweet week loves!  Love you!

❤Sister Finau

p.s. On Oct. 5th I will have been Sister Finau for a whole year. Time flies. Love this work!


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